Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Customizing your raw journey

I know the past few posts have been about diet and living food lifestyle changes but I assure you the topic will gradually transform into other areas in the future. So I've been ruminating a little about high fruit and feel strongly that it isn't too rigid for anyone. It is just your mind set and your approach. Some who are just new to raw might think that going on a raw foods journey is extreme. But the truth is the same, it's your view of it. Some people who are on high fruit or any other raw plan insist that it has to be 100% by the book. Well I agree that commitment is 100% but you don't have to be by the book. I learned early on that absolutes fail and die hard. Absolutism=deprivation. Now if you like being by the book 100% and you feel like it works for you then great. But if you feel like being 100% is rigid for you then honestly think about where you are in terms of what you are NOW capable of doing. Are you 10% raw and ready to go 20%. Can you add an extra apple a day? Well that is progress and slow progress is better than no progress. A little bit every day goes a long way! This is what has helped me. There are great accomplishments attained with small progress since as time goes on it snow balls into monumental changes.

When you are absolute, negative and want to deprive for short term results you will fail over and over again. People may put you down for not being 100%, or being raw or being so strict but when the day is done who is the person to deal with those challenges You! You have to feel comfortable with what you are doing. Which means feeling good about your method of ascertaining a goal furthermore being true to yourself in what you are capable of handling now. Maybe you're capable of only loosing 4 pounds a month. Well that adds up to 48 pounds a year! Wonderful! I learned this. So bravo to you for making changes.


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