Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gratitude for support

Hi everyone. Thanksgiving is approaching soon. I have so much to be thankful for. Maybe on Thanksgiving day I will extend an arm of gratitude to everyone who is in my life now and especially everyone who has helped me on my raw journey some of whom I haven't had the honor of meeting yet.

Following a living foods lifestyle has really changed my life for the better. I realized when you feel such deep rooted joy from the heart of your soul anything is possible. I had such intense joyful raw experiences that it fueled my desire to progress to the next level. I think when you want to become healthier, you must be ready to open the door to joy. Such examples include: laughing with new or old friends. Going on new adventures. Trying fun and exciting experiences. This helps because when you're having fun then happiness cultivates higher energies and those high energies create health.

I just want to thank my best friend, Tim who encouraged me to go on this ride this year. I was so afraid to go on it but he was really patient with me and assured me that I wouldn't regret it.

check out the you tube video:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Customizing your raw journey

I know the past few posts have been about diet and living food lifestyle changes but I assure you the topic will gradually transform into other areas in the future. So I've been ruminating a little about high fruit and feel strongly that it isn't too rigid for anyone. It is just your mind set and your approach. Some who are just new to raw might think that going on a raw foods journey is extreme. But the truth is the same, it's your view of it. Some people who are on high fruit or any other raw plan insist that it has to be 100% by the book. Well I agree that commitment is 100% but you don't have to be by the book. I learned early on that absolutes fail and die hard. Absolutism=deprivation. Now if you like being by the book 100% and you feel like it works for you then great. But if you feel like being 100% is rigid for you then honestly think about where you are in terms of what you are NOW capable of doing. Are you 10% raw and ready to go 20%. Can you add an extra apple a day? Well that is progress and slow progress is better than no progress. A little bit every day goes a long way! This is what has helped me. There are great accomplishments attained with small progress since as time goes on it snow balls into monumental changes.

When you are absolute, negative and want to deprive for short term results you will fail over and over again. People may put you down for not being 100%, or being raw or being so strict but when the day is done who is the person to deal with those challenges You! You have to feel comfortable with what you are doing. Which means feeling good about your method of ascertaining a goal furthermore being true to yourself in what you are capable of handling now. Maybe you're capable of only loosing 4 pounds a month. Well that adds up to 48 pounds a year! Wonderful! I learned this. So bravo to you for making changes.


For the past three days I have been eating pounds and pounds of fruit. I got a new job as a dental assistant and that has put me i a very good mood. I don't know if I'm completely ready to give up gardening. In which brings up a point. Before my raw journey I used to eat anything and everything. Even when people would offer me food and it wasn't good for me I would eat it to not offend them. Now when people offer me food and it's not healthy or beneficial to me I've learned to say, NO! NO! NO! And I've been saying no less often and that has dampened my progress. I believe the three things that really dulls progress on a raw weight loss journey are 1. cheating 2. negative feelings 3. no being able to say No to junk food and maybe there are more variables but these are my top three. The other I'd say is absolutism. I used to fast a lot on juices or just liquids and contrary to what others in the Raw World say I think it's detrimental in major lifestyle change and sticking to the plan. The point is there are no quick fixes. I know there are so many ways of overcoming obesity the quick way. But when you have been eating crap and not exercizing and not managing negative feelings and not preparing yourself every day to eat a healthy vitamin, enzyme rich living foods diet coupled with enjoyable physical activity you will keep on falling on your face. Just like I did. I wanted it (weight loss) so bad! I was doing fasts but even though the end result was weight loss, I would eat cooked crap (and lots of it later). Now my focus is to stick to eating high fruit and excersize every day and not cheat. I know we're not perfect and I commend people on this raw foods journey who have overcome obesity and have never deviated from their raw plan but the goal is to never cheat.

Please let me know how you are doing. I hope I wasn't lecturing so much.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Low Fat Raw Vegan Challenge

I woke up today and realized that I am getting into gear and doing 80 10 10. This diet is a high fruit, low in nuts, no processed, no none sense lifestyle. You might wonder why I decided to take up this feat. Well it worked for me back in this summer. I found out that when I gorge myself on raw fruit, my cravings for anything processed literally vanishes and I am swept with energy! Energy! ENERGY!

I know this form of raw food lifestyle is controversial but it has worked for some people such as people who like to be really active and people who are trying to overcome disease. My goal inevitably is to be light. I have found out the hard way that I'm not going to get there eating high fat. I had to prioritize. I am planning to give up gardening for a while so that I can finally focus my attention of overcoming obesity. I have realized I need to make some lifestyle changes such as: not preparing food for others (which encourages me to eat what is not on my diet). Go vegan again! Woohoo! The purpose of this is to alkalize my body. And center my goals towards physical activities I will be more capable of doing such as: wall climbing.

I have been obese since I was 15 years old and feel like 80 10 10 is probably the only lifestyle out there raw or not that will get me to being lean, have energy, overcome depression and getting me to heights of having the energy and stamina to do anything and everything I want physically and mentally.

I really give my well wishes to people who have devoted themselves to this lifestyle and those who are tempted to try it. Best time every on your low fat raw vegan endeavor.
